Hotkey List

Hotkey List

Use hotkeys to perform operations in Tonfotos

General actions

OperationWindows hotkeymacOS hotkeyUI iconDescription
Library Locations...AltShiftLOptionShiftLOpens the dialog where you can manage the folders indexed by Tonfotos.
Preferences...Ctrl,Control,Opens the program UI settings.
To the next person with suggestionsCtrlNControlN>Opens the album of the next person that has unconfirmed face suggestions.
Recent actions with faces...CtrlZControlZShows the latest actions you performed and lets you undo any of them.
Photo > Select AllCtrlAControlASelects all photos in the current main window section. For example, all photos in the album or in the folder.
CtrlPControlPicon letter i in square>Toggles the File information pane.
CtrlFControlFicon looking glass>Opens the search pane.
CtrlAltFControlOptionFicon sliders>Opens the filter pane.
F2F2When a person or group is selected in the left pane of the People tab, edits the name.

Actions with selected photos

OperationWindows hotkeymacOS hotkeyUI iconDescription
Photo > Copy FilesCtrlCControlCCopies the selected files to clipboard.
Photo > Move to main Archive...F6F6Moves the selected photos to Year/Date subfolders in the selected location. See more in Move to Main Archive.
ShiftF6ShiftF6Repeats the move operation on the selected photos. See more in Move to Main Archive.
Photo > Move to...CtrlMControlMMoves the selected photos using the operating system's file viewer.
Photo > DeleteDelDelDeletes the selected photos. You will be asked to confirm.
Photo > Rotate ClockwiseCtrlRControlRRotates the selected photos clockwise.
Photo > Rotate AnticlockwiseCtrlShiftRControlShiftRRotates the selected photos anticlockwise.
Photo > Export...CtrlShiftEControlShiftEExports the selected photos.
CtrlLControlLicon heart>Adds / removes the selected photos to Favourites.
F2F2For a mini-portrait: assigns face to a person. For a full photo in any of the tab views: adds the photo to the personal album for one of the people.
ShiftEnterShiftEntericon check in circle>Confirms the suggested person.
BackspaceBackspaceicon cross in circle>Rejects the face suggestion.
ShiftBackspaceShiftBackspaceicon person crossed out>Ignores the face suggestion and removes it from further matching.
CtrlIControlIIgnores all unassigned face suggestions on the photo.

Actions with one photo

OperationWindows hotkeymacOS hotkeyUI iconDescription
Photo > Copy FilesCtrlCControlCCopies the selected files to clipboard.
Photo > Move to main Archive...F6F6Moves the selected photos to Year/Date subfolders in the selected location. See more in Move to Main Archive.
ShiftF6ShiftF6Repeats the move operation on the selected photos. See more in Move to Main Archive.
Photo > Move to...CtrlMControlMMoves the selected photos using the operating system's file viewer.
Photo > DeleteDelDelDeletes the selected photos. You will be asked to confirm.
Photo > Rotate ClockwiseCtrlRControlRRotates the selected photos clockwise.
Photo > Rotate AnticlockwiseCtrlShiftRControlShiftRRotates the selected photos anticlockwise.
Photo > Edit Title...CtrlTControlTEdits the title in image metadata.
Photo > Edit Comment...CtrlShiftTControlShiftTEdits the comment in image metadata.
Photo > Edit Creation Date...F3F3Edits the image creation date in metadata.
Photo > Edit Location...F3F3Edits the location in image metadata.
Photo > Export...CtrlShiftEControlShiftEExports the selected photos.
CtrlLControlLicon heart>Adds / removes the selected photos to Favourites.
EnterEnterOpens the photo in view mode.
EscEscExits photo view mode.
F2F2For a mini-portrait: edits the name. For a full photo in any of the tab views: adds the photo to the personal album for one of the people.
ShiftEnterShiftEntericon check in circle>Confirms the suggested person.
BackspaceBackspaceicon cross in circle>Rejects the face suggestion.
ShiftBackspaceShiftBackspaceicon person crossed out>Ignores the face suggestion and removes it from further matching.
CtrlIControlIIgnores all unassigned face suggestions on the photo.