Family Tree

Family Tree

Create a family tree

After you enter the info about how the people in your photo library are related to each other, Tonfotos can easily generate a beautiful family tree for any of the people.

Generating a family tree

  1. Go to the People tab.
  2. Right-click the person's name in the left pane and select Show Family Tree. Alternatively, click the Show Family Tree in their profile. Tonfotos will show you a family tree for this person.
  3. Choose the settings for the family tree in the right pane:
    • Tree title: enter a title to be displayed at the top. You can also edit the title by pressing CtrlT or selecting Photo > Edit Title...
    • Tree layout: select the layout: Bowtie, Hourglass, or Extended.
    • Tree style: choose one of the themes for general tree design and background.
  4. Save the result.
    • You can export the family tree to JPEG, PNG, or WebP format with the same settings as other images. To do so, press CtrlShiftE or select Photo > Export...
    • Alternatively, press CtrlC to copy the generated family tree to the clipboard, then paste the image into the photo editing tool of your choice.
A family tree in a bowtie layout with the Royal style
A family tree in a bowtie layout with the Royal style


Tonfotos provides three layouts that fit different needs. Any layout is centered on the person for whom the family tree is generated.


Emphasizes the person and their spouse and shows two generations of ancestors on either side. The children of the couple are displayed below. More generations of descendants aren't displayed, and neither are the siblings of the main couple.

This layout works best for a simple tree to share on social media or print for a school project.


Shows all ancestors and descendants of the person and their spouse. The siblings of the central couple are displayed, but not their spouses or children.

This layout is perfect for showing as many generations as you have data on.


Similar to hourglass, this layout additionally displays the branches of the family tree that start with the siblings of the main couple.

This layout is great for displaying a person's extended family.