Filters and Search
Tonfotos helps you quickly locate and manage your photos by offering two ways to narrow down what you see: search and filters. Though these features look similar, they serve different purposes:
- Use search to jump directly to a single person, folder, album, or file by name.
- Use filters to add or exclude multiple conditions, so that you can see all matching images in your library. Think of filters as an advanced search.
Searching in Tonfotos
Press CtrlF to open the text search field. Type a few letters of an item's name and then select the matching result from the suggestions. If you're searching for file names, wait a little for suggestions to appear. Tonfotos will take you directly to that item in one click.
You can search for:
- Persons by name (including middle name, maiden name, and any other names available in their personal profile)
- Folders
- Albums
- Tags
- File names

For example, a search string like "vac sum" will find a folder named "Summer vacation", and a search string like "J D" will find "John Doe," "Jane Doe," etc.
Filtering in Tonfotos
Filters are ideal for more complex searches, such as "find all photos with me and my spouse, but without the kids." You can add multiple conditions (for people, tags, albums, geolocation, and specific folders) and view all matching images. The Events tab, where you see all images in chronological order without hidden subfolders or grouping, works best with the filtering feature.
Press CtrlAltF or go to the Events tab and click . In the text field that appears, type a few letters of an item's name, and then select a suggestion to add it as a filter condition.
You can filter by:
- Person found by name (including middle name, maiden name, and any other names available in their personal profile)
- Folders
- Albums
- Tags
- Location
When you add a filter condition, the filtered photos will be shown in the Events tab, grouped by events 1. At the top, you will see the currently selected conditions 2.
Add still more conditions by pressing CtrlAltF or clicking again and entering the new condition 3. To remove one of the current conditions, click the cross next to it 4.

Using negative filters
Toggle the switch to the left of the filter field before selecting an item to add it as a negative filter. This narrows your set of images by excluding any that match the condition. For example, you may want to exclude all photos with a certain person.
Filtering by geolocation
To filter by geolocation, go to the Locations tab and double-click a location thumbnail to add it as a location-based filter. The radius around the exact location is determined automatically, depending on the map scale at the moment when you click on the avatar. If you'd like to include more photos, zoom out before clicking.
This filter will exclude all images without geolocation metadata.
Special filters
- Duplicates album is treated like any other album, so you can select it as a filter condition to view all detected duplicates in chronological order. Combine it with other filters (such as a specific person) to quickly decide which copies to keep or delete.
- The Unassigned faces filter shows all the photos that still have some faces without confirmed names to them. Combine it with other filters to group the photos and name the people on them or ignore the suggestions.