Events and Locations
Tonfotos provides an event feature to let you quickly find the photos you need. Events are groups of photos taken on the same time in the same place, regardless of where the files are in the library. Events are created automatically while scanning the library. The dates and locations are often saved by smartphone or camera, but you can also add or edit them yourself in image metadata.
View the events sorted by date in the Events tab or on an interactive map in the Locations tab.
Using the Events tab
In the Events tab, you can see all events in an endless scroll, sorted by date with the latest events on top. If you don't remember the exact date you want to find, click in the left pane and scroll up or down to find the events you need.

To refine the photo selection in the Events tab further, add a filter by pressing CtrlAltF or by clicking in the top right.
How the events are named
The name of each event includes its location (if available) and date, as well as the names of all subfolders where the photos are stored.
For example, if you have a folder called Summer vacation
with photographs taken from August 11, 2019, through August 13, 2019, all of them taken in Venice, you will see a different event for each of the dates:
- Summer vacation (August 11, 2019, Venice)
- Summer vacation (August 12, 2019, Venice)
- Summer vacation (August 13, 2019, Venice)
Viewing the events on the map
Go to the Locations tab to see all your events that have geolocation data displayed on the map.

To zoom the map:
- Use the slider with plus-minus buttons on the left
- Double-click the left mouse button to zoom in, double-click the right mouse button to zoom out
- Use the mouse scroll
To move the map around, click and drag with your mouse.
Filtering by location
Double-click a location thumbnail to filter your library by the selected location.
The filter displays all photos taken near that location, grouped by events. The radius around the exact location is determined automatically, depending on the map scale at the moment when you click on the thumbnail. If you'd like to include more photos, zoom out before clicking.